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Joe Stanco

Olympic Weightlifting Lift Conversions You Should Know

In the Gym or training hall we are constantly performing exercises/lifts to improve ourselves. In the sport of weightlifting our main goal is to improve the classical lifts, snatch and clean & jerk. Have you ever wanted to know how the accessory lifts we do relate to our one rep maxes? Have you ever wondered what your max back squat or max power snatch relates to your two primary lifts? If your training style is not bulgerian-eqsue I am sure you will find this informative and thought provoking for your training. Or maybe you realize your numbers are so far off that you have been training to much like a bro and not enough like the weightlifter you should be.

Accessory lifts we will consider inter-dependence on for the classical lifts:

Back squat, Front Squat, Power Clean, Power Snatch, Jerk from Rack, Overhead Squat.

For the sake of simplicity and not writing a 10-page essay I will limit the consideration of accessory lifts to these. The classic Snatch and Clean & Jerk will be included in the numbers as well.

We will begin by defining some of the inter-dependencies from the main strength drivers, back squat and front squat. The numbers go as follows:

Abbreviations: RM = rep max, NB = no belt, UNBK = unbroken reps

1 RM Back Squat = 130% ± 3% 1 RM Clean & Jerk

1 RM Front Squat = 113% ± 3% 1 RM Clean & Jerk

1 RM Clean = 3-4 RM UNBK Back Squat (needs to be smooth)

1 RM Clean = 3-5 RM Front Squat NB

1RM Clean = 3 RM UNBK Front squat

If you have a desired clean & jerk or clean goal in mind it helps to know these numbers in order to understand what you need to focus on. For example:

If a lifter has a 100-kilo clean & jerk and a back squat of 180 kilograms clearly they would need to improve technique. We know this because their back squat is 180% of their C&J, well over the typical conversion of 130% . With a 180 kg back squat the lifter should be clean & jerking around 138 kg. (180kg / (1.3) = 138kg)

Now to get into some of the more specific lifts and the variations on the classical lifts:

1 RM Power Snatch = 90% ± 4% 1 RM Snatch

1 RM Snatch = 80% ± 5% 1 RM Clean & Jerk

1 RM Power Clean = 90% ± 4% 1 RM Clean & Jerk

1 RM Jerk from Rack = 102% ± 4% 1 RM Clean & Jerk

1 RM Overhead Squat = 105% ± 5% 1 RM Snatch

3 RM Snatch @ 90+% = New Snatch 1 RM

3 Clean + 1 Jerk @ 90+% = New Clean & Jerk 1 RM

These numbers are not required for success in a training block leading up to competition. Simply they are tools that the coach/athlete can use as benchmarks during the training journey. Now go hit some PRs.

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